Group Pictures Diao Group : 2014 to Present 2023. 12 Christmas Party2023. 05 Kyung's farewell lunch2021.10 Bijal and Justin's defense2021.06 Prapti's farewell lunch2021 spring2019 spring2018 spring2017 spring2016 spring2015 spring 2024. 12 Christmas Party 2024. 12 Zhuang’s Defense 2024. 10. Siqing’s Farewell 2024. 08. Siqing’s Defense 2024 Summer’s Outing 2024. 06. Azzaya’s Farewell 2024.06 MMLI NSF site visit 2024.6 Azzaya’s Defense 2024.2 Ying’s University Scholar award ceremony 2024. 1. Azzaya’s MESD Poster Award (AIChE) 2024. 1. Siqing’s Graduate Student Award (AIChE) 2023. 12 Christmas Party 2023. 07 Group outing 2023.05 Kyung’s Farewell 2022.12 Christmas Party 2022.06 Danny’s Farewell 2022.07 Gonzalo’s Farewell 2022.03 Danny’s Defense 2021.12 Christmas party 2021.12 Justin’s hooding ceremony 2021.12 Bijal’s Farewell 2021.10 Bijal and Justin’s defense 2021.06 Prapti’s farewell lunch 2021.06 Prapti’s Defense 2021.05 Back-to-office celebration party 2021.03 Jong-Hoon’s virtual welcome 2020.12 Group holiday party 2020.10 Sang’s virtual farewell 2020.08 Gonzalo and Songsong’s virtual welcome lunch 2019.12 Group holiday party 2019.09 Tim’s Defense 2019.09 With Prof. Zhenan Bao 2019.05 Farewell dinner to Dr. Mohammadi, the first Ph.D. of our group 2019.05 Erfan’s graduation 2018.12 Group holiday party 2018.08 Fengjiao’s farewell dinner 2018.05 End-of-semester and graduation party 2017.12 Group holiday dinner and Tim’s 1st paper celebration 2017.11 The Group with ‘Academic Grandmother’ Prof. Zhenan Bao 2017.09 Daniel’s birthday 2017.06 Group outing, Clinton beach 2017.05 Farewell to Rebecca and Yi 2017.04 March for Science 2017.01 Erfan and Tim’s birthday 2016.11 Prapti, Bijal, Justin’s birthday 2016.11 Home Party 2016.10 CHBE Grad Research Symposium Award Ceremony 2016.07 Fengjiao’s birthday 2016.06 Ge’s birthday 2016.04 Rebecca’s OXE Poster, 2nd Prize 2016.02 Erfan and Tim’s birthday 2015.06 Ge’s birthday and new lab celebration Diao Research Group 164 Davenport Hall607 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 Related Institutes University of illinois at urbana-champaign School of chemical sciences college of liberal arts & sciences The Granger College of engineering prof. Ying Diao 213 ROGER ADAMS LABORATORY 600 S. MATHEWS AVE., URBANA, IL 61801 © 2021 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BOARD OF TRUSTEES © 2021 Diao Research Group Cookie policy PRIVACY